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About us

Centro Stampa e Media is a communication agency founded in 1990 and deals with associations, companies and institutions. Its curriculum is rich in meaningful experiences gained with companies...

E' in diffusione Ecomobile n. 150, bimestrale sulla mobilità sostenibile e i carburanti alternativi

Si parla dell'annunciato stop al motore a combustione interna al 2035 e di Tassonomia Ue. Il test drive è dedicato alla Toyota Rav4 Hybrid GPL.

3° Approvata dal Parlamento l'8 febbraio 2022 la Proposta di legge costituzionale che inserisce la tutela dell’ambiente, della biodiversità e degli ecosistemi fra i principi fondamentali della Costituzione della Repubblica italiana.

CalaFoma Agritourism farm

The Calafoma agritourism farm, in via Tibano 4, five minutes from the center of Forlì, offers agritourism services in the agricultural supply chain. Housed in a site of community interest, surrounded by the nature of the green area of ​​the Ronco river, enjoys a suggestive view thanks to the direct view of the lake.

Vincenzo Catarsi Mare Shipyard

Vincenzo Catarsi Mare - headquarters in San Pietro in Palazzi, Cecina, Leghorn - operates in the nautical sector. The company designs, builds, outfits and sells pleasure craft as well as working vessels, in addition to performing repairs and general shipyard activities. Trademarks: Calafuria and Tecnomarine.

360 Degree Communication

Media Relation

A reliable and upadated reference for media.


House organs, specialized magazines, newsletter.

Special initiatives

Press conferences, fairs and events, entertainment and formation.

Web and Digital PR

Web sites, social networking, reputation.


ECOdolomitesGT, 25 - 27 novembre 2021

ECOdolomitesGT, 25 - 27 novembre 2021

Ecomondo, 26 - 29 ottobre 2021

Ecomondo, 26 - 29 ottobre 2021

Green Endurance, ottobre 2020

Green Endurance, ottobre 2020

13° Ecorally San Marino, 21 - 22 settembre 2019

13° Ecorally San Marino, 21 - 22 settembre 2019

10° Ecorally San Marino Città del Vaticano, 15 - 17 May 2015

10° Ecorally San Marino Città del Vaticano, 15 - 17 May 2015

Oil & Non Oil, Verona, 11 - 13 October 2016

Oil & Non Oil, Verona, 11 - 13 October 2016

Autopromotec, Bologna, 20 - 24 May 2015

Autopromotec, Bologna, 20 - 24 May 2015

11° Ecorally San Marino Montecarlo, 17 - 19 Juin 2016

11° Ecorally San Marino Montecarlo, 17 - 19 Juin 2016

I'm a great believer that any tool that enhances communication has profound effects in terms of how people can learn from each other, and how they can achieve the kind of freedoms that they're interested in.

Bill Gates